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Summer 2015

CJCCN, Volume 26, Number 2, Summer 2015


June 7, 2015

Change is in the air. Across the country we are emerging from our long winter months and putting the shorter days and the unpredictable weather behind us. Spring is a time when we all start to reconnect with the world around us. We take stock of our immediate space and begin to imagine possibilities and new opportunities. It is a type of spring cleaning in the literal and figurative sense; organizing and prioritizing things valued, giving attention to things needing upkeep and letting go of things no longer useful. The Board of Directors has, over the past few months, focused on exactly this process. We have continued the important work of strategic planning. A strategic plan is “… an organization’s process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy.” (Wikipedia 2015). As a board, it is our responsibility, as your representatives, to design and review a robust and clear strategic plan, to update that plan annually and evaluate its substance and direction as needed. This year we have taken on a full strategic review with the goal of aligning all organizational activities and resources towards achieving our important mission.

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