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Fall 2015

CJCCN, Volume 26, Number 3, Fall 2015


September 7, 2015

Nursing has always been esteemed by the public as a trusted and valued profession. How often have we each heard someone say: “I couldn’t do what you do” or “your work must be so difficult”. Many of us will smile, and acknowledge that it is hard work yet very rewarding. Rewarding as it may be, the unique challenges within critical care nursing require a persistent professional who is committed to achieving excellence in their practice. Critical care nurses choose to place themselves in a unique environment of practice. We care for the most vulnerable of patients, we make choices in unpredictable circumstances and we understand that our actions can have a profound impact on people’s lives and well-being. We intentionally seek out the gaps of critical illness care and create the many vital bridges that link environments, diverse perspectives and the complex relationships that are embedded in the domain of critical care. Critical care nurses focus on solving dilemmas and endeavour to make sense of the senseless even when the task is daunting. Critical care nurses are solution and strength oriented in an illness and problem focused setting. Because a vibrant critical care nurse community is essential to the health of all Canadians, the support those nurses receive is paramount.

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