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Exp May 2, 2024

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Peer-Reviewed Critical Care Nursing Journal

Article Listings - 1984 to Present

Assessing the impact of creating virtual windows on the incidence of delirium in a surgical intensive care unit: a before and after study


Introduction: Delirium is a frequent and important problem in the intensive care unit (ICU), and non-pharmacological means of prevention are limited. The importance of the physical environment in the occurrence of delirium in intensive care has been reported, particularly the presence of windows and daylight. We organized a trial to evaluate if the installation of virtual windows in the form of paintings in rooms without an actual window can limit the occurrence of delirium in ICU patients.

Best Practice in Prolonged Mechanical Ventilation: A Qualitative Study of Healthcare Provider Perspectives


Background & Purpose: Patients who require Prolonged Mechanical Ventilation (PMV) are a relatively small but complex and vulnerable subset of patients treated in the intensive care unit (ICU). Significant heterogeneity in practice patterns exists and best practice is largely unknown. The goal of this study is to engage healthcare providers (HCPs) to identify and describe best care practices for patients requiring PMV.

Methods: A qualitative descriptive method was used. Using purposeful sampling,

Revising the Canadian Association of Critical Care Nurses Standards for Critical Care Nursing Practice: A Modified Delphi Protocol


Background: Since 1992, the Canadian Association of Critical Care Nurses (CACCN) has set the Standards of Practice for Canadian critical care nurses. The current Standards were revised in 2017, after undergoing the fifth review since inception. The Association’s practice has been to review the Standards approximately every five years.

Aim: The aim of this protocol is to provide a transparent and replicable process for Standards revision.

Identifying Opportunities for Antimicrobial Stewardship in a Tertiary Intensive Care Unit: A Qualitative Study


Background: Antimicrobial stewardship (AMS) encompasses numerous interventions that seek to improve antimicrobial usage, as inappropriate use of antimicrobials may result in the promotion of antimicrobial resistance, patient harm, and increased costs. AMS is of particular interest in intensive care units (ICUs) where antimicrobial use is extensive. Few qualitative studies have sought to identify the perceived attitudes and beliefs of intensive care clinicians around AMS.

Objectives: To understand ICU nursing and physician priorities and preferences around AMS and possible AMS interventions for implementation in the ICU.

Unsettling the “I do not see colour” Ideology in Nursing

As a woman of colour, I have often heard the phrase “I do not see colour because we are all the same” from nursing professors, colleagues, and students. While I used to agree with this statement, I now realize how subtle biases impact patient care when nurses are socialized into thinking we are neutral caregivers. My colour-blind perspectives were well-intentioned at the time. However, as a nurse educator, I see how neutrality in nursing education obscures how racism contributes to health disparities,

A Feminist Perspective on Post-Pandemic Burnout in Critical Care Nurses

Historically, nursing has been a gendered profession. Still today, women dominate the nursing landscape. In 2019, the Canadian Nurses Association reported that 91% of Registered Nurses were female in Canada (Canadian Nurses Association, 2019, p.1). Given this strong female presence, it is disconcerting that nursing remains inequitable for women in 2023. Feminist theory explores the importance of women’s perspectives, social justice, and feminist values, providing the theoretical and philosophical groundwork for the progression of gender equality (Im &

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